Baby Smile 2 General Mastering the Kulve Taroth Siege in Monster Hunter World: A Guide for Hunters

Mastering the Kulve Taroth Siege in Monster Hunter World: A Guide for Hunters

Kulve Taroth, the golden elder dragon, is a formidable foe in Monster Hunter World’s Kulve Taroth Siege event. This massive creature can only be defeated by a coordinated team of hunters working together to break its gold-plated horns. The rewards for taking down Kulve Taroth are highly coveted, including rare materials for crafting powerful weapons and armor.

Mastering the Kulve Taroth Siege in Monster Hunter World has become a key goal for many hunters seeking to improve their gear and become more competitive in the game. Since its introduction, the event has been a popular challenge among players, requiring not only skillful combat tactics but also careful planning and teamwork.

One crucial aspect of defeating Kulve Taroth is understanding its behavior and weaknesses. By studying the dragon’s movements and attack patterns, hunters can anticipate its next moves and react accordingly. Additionally, focusing on breaking specific parts of the monster, such as its horns or tail, can significantly weaken it and make the battle more manageable.

With a success rate that varies between 15-20%, the odds of defeating Kulve Taroth can be daunting. However, hunters who persevere and continue to refine their strategies are more likely to achieve victory. By learning from each attempt and adjusting their tactics accordingly, players can increase their chances of successfully mastering the Kulve Taroth Siege.

What are the best strategies for hunting the MHW Kulve Taroth?

When it comes to taking down the fearsome Elder Dragon known as Kulve Taroth in Monster Hunter World, players need to have a solid game plan in place. This massive gold-plated beast is a tough opponent, requiring skilled hunters to work together to bring it down and claim its valuable rewards.

One of the key strategies for success in hunting Kulve Taroth is to focus on breaking its various armor pieces. This not only weakens the monster’s defenses, but also increases the chances of obtaining rare materials that can be used to craft powerful weapons and armor. Hunters should target the monster’s horns, tail, and chest to maximize their chances of success.

Another important aspect of hunting Kulve Taroth is coordinating with your team. Communication is key in this fight, as each player will need to fulfill a specific role to effectively bring down the beast. Working together to break parts, trap the monster, and deal massive damage during pivotal moments will greatly increase your chances of success.

It’s also crucial to come prepared with the right gear and items for the fight. Bringing along weapons and armor that are strong against Kulve Taroth’s elements and status effects can make a significant difference in the battle. Additionally, stocking up on items like traps, bombs, and healing potions will help you stay in the fight longer and increase your chances of victory.

In conclusion, hunting Kulve Taroth in Monster Hunter World requires coordination, strategy, and preparation. By focusing on breaking armor pieces, communicating effectively with your team, and bringing the right gear and items, you can increase your chances of taking down this formidable Elder Dragon and reaping the rewards. Stay tuned for our in-depth guide on the best strategies for hunting Kulve Taroth in MHW.

Mastering the Kulve Taroth Siege in Monster Hunter World: A Guide for Hunters

If you are a Hunter looking to conquer the Kulve Taroth Siege in Monster Hunter World, you have come to the right place. This challenging event requires teamwork, strategy, and skill to succeed. Here are some tips to help you master this formidable foe:

Understanding the Kulve Taroth

  • Kulve Taroth is a massive Elder Dragon with golden scales that can only be fought in the special Siege event.
  • Its weak points are its horns, which can be broken to reveal valuable rewards.
  • It has different phases in the battle, each requiring a different approach to defeat.

Preparing for the Siege

  • Make sure to bring weapons and armor with high fire resistance, as Kulve Taroth deals fire damage.
  • Stock up on items such as Cool Drinks to mitigate heat damage and nullberries to cure status effects.
  • Coordinate with your team to ensure a balanced mix of weapons and skills for the hunt.

Combat Tips

  • Focus on breaking Kulve Taroth’s horns to maximize your rewards.
  • Utilize environmental traps and hazards to your advantage during the battle.
  • Use the cannons and boulders in the area to deal massive damage to Kulve Taroth.

How do I trigger the Kulve Taroth Siege event in Monster Hunter World?

To trigger the Kulve Taroth Siege event in Monster Hunter World, you need to talk to the Admiral in Astera. He will give you the quest “Banquet in the Earthen Hall” which will allow you to participate in the siege.

What are some tips for defeating Kulve Taroth in the siege?

Some tips for defeating Kulve Taroth in the siege include focusing on breaking her horns, using weapons with high elemental damage, and coordinating with your team to maximize your DPS. Additionally, bringing along items like bombs and traps can help in dealing damage to Kulve Taroth.

How do I increase my chances of getting rare rewards from the Kulve Taroth siege?

To increase your chances of getting rare rewards from the Kulve Taroth siege, make sure to break all of her parts, especially her horns. The more parts you break, the higher your chances of getting rare rewards at the end of the siege. Additionally, completing the siege multiple times can also improve your chances of getting rare rewards.

What should I do with the Kulve Taroth materials I collect during the siege?

You can use the Kulve Taroth materials you collect during the siege to craft new weapons and armor at the Smithy in Astera. These weapons and armor pieces are unique and can provide powerful bonuses that can help you in your hunts.


In conclusion, tackling the Kulve Taroth siege in Monster Hunter World is a challenging yet rewarding experience for players. The hunt for this majestic elder dragon requires strategic teamwork, coordination, and skill to successfully break its horns and claim the valuable rewards hidden within. The siege mechanics, the lore behind Kulve Taroth, and the intense battles against its different phases provide a fresh and exciting gameplay experience for hunters looking to test their abilities.

Additionally, the collaborative aspect of the Kulve Taroth siege fosters a sense of community and camaraderie among players as they work together to achieve a common goal. The randomized weapon drops from Kulve Taroth’s horn plating also add an element of excitement and anticipation, encouraging players to participate in multiple sieges to obtain their desired weapon. Overall, the Kulve Taroth siege in Monster Hunter World is a dynamic and engaging endgame activity that offers a unique and memorable hunting experience for players seeking a challenge.